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Hitting the Bottle

The subject of bottle vs. breast came up early in our pregnancy, and my uneducated guess would be that the same is true for most couples. Thankfully Leanne and I were generally aligned in our thinking, and more importantly flexible about the approach we would take. It’s when you share your strategy with a wider group that you discover just how divisive this subject really is.

The argument is often not, “Breast against bottle”, but more “breast against both”. ‘Combi-feeding’ as I believe it is called. There is always a group of people ready to present you with irrefutable evidence that boffins (yes, I said boffins. I am old, leave me alone) have come up with, preaching that ‘breast is best’. At the same time, a less vocal but still as emphatic group, are ready with a plethora of studies offering counterarguments.

Bottle vs. breast probably understates the complexity here. Often the position taken by the die-hard ‘boob brigade’ is not so much the delivery system, more so the contents. Putting pumped breast milk into a bottle often subdues the argument. I guess this would be better framed as ‘breast milk from the breast’ vs. ‘formula milk from a bottle’.

I am not even going to attempt to introduce the warm vs. cold debate...

Our plan was to do a week or two of just breast, then introduce bottles with breastmilk before settling into a combi feeding routine, of breast and formula milk in bottles. That’s not how it went down. Breast feeding can be brutal. I will spare you the details, but basically our kid had tongue tie, which means they struggled to latch correctly, this was not picked up for weeks. Despite the crazy amount of pain Leanne was enduring, and the frustration our baby was experiencing, social pressure was such that she felt like she would be failing if she stopped. It was hard to watch to tell the truth.

After much persuading Leanne agreed to move to more bottle feeding sooner than we had planned. I wanted to share with you some pros and cons of bottle feeding, but from a dad’s perspective.

Father bottle feeding his daughter

Freedom to Share the Load:

First up, let's talk about the freedom that comes with bottle feeding. I used to do all the evening feeds up until midnight and the missus went to bed, getting her head down for a few hours was in her words ‘a god send’. The other thing is that you can share the load with aunties, uncles and most importantly grandparents. Being able to leave baby with someone for a few hours so that you can go out (or pretend you are going out, when really you just go home for a kip) is fantastic.

It should be noted that sharing the load can backfire when you are asked to take on more night time feeds on the weekends. Its tricky to argue your way out of, and I did try, but on balance worth it.

Bonding Time Galore:

Next on our list of pros: bonding time with your kid. Bottle feeding gives us the chance to connect with the baby in a whole new way. Whether you're cradling them in your arms, making goofy faces, or in my case relentlessly singing show tunes to them, feeding time becomes an opportunity to strengthen that father-child bond.

Of course, there's a flip side to every coin. Some folks worry that bottle feeding might hinder the bonding experience between mom and baby. Babies feed a lot… there is plenty of feeding time to go round. For sure my wife did more of the feeds, but I did a fair share, we interact differently with the kids and have developed our own unique bonds with the kids.

Flexibility for the Win:

Last but not least, let's talk about flexibility. Bottle feeding offers a level of flexibility that breastfeeding simply can't match. Whether you're on the go, at work, or simply need a break, having a bottle ready to go means you can feed your baby anytime, anywhere. No need to worry about finding a private spot or wrestling with a nursing cover – just whip out that bottle and you're good to go.

Now, I'm not saying bottle feeding is all rainbows and unicorns. There is of course the never ending washing up of bottles and teats, and of course the dreaded steriliser. In addition, breastmilk in generally free, I mean you have to feed your partner, but I am assuming most of you will be doing that anyway. Formula is expensive and so might not be an option for everyone.

In Conclusion:

So, there you have it. While bottle feeding certainly has its perks, let's not discount the wonders of breastfeeding entirely. Breast milk is like nature's superhero potion, packed with all sorts of nutrients and antibodies to keep your little one healthy and strong. Mixing it up with a combination of bottle and breast feeding might just be the winning ticket, giving your baby the best of both worlds while allowing you to share in the feeding responsibilities. It is essential to remember that every family is different, and what works for one might not work for another. So, whether you're ‘Team Bottle’, ‘Team Breast’, or a proud member of the ‘Combi Crew’, you do you and remember we're all in it together!

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